I Swear I've Been Framed! | KevinRoot Medical

I Swear I've Been Framed!

  • The basic structure of a rigid foot orthotic device is referred to as the “frame”. Frames can vary by rigidity, thickness, depth, width and material. It helps increase accuracy and effectiveness of your orthotic therapy by pairing the proper frame material with the objective of treatment. A general rule of thumb is to use a flexible material for a rigid foot, and a more rigid material for a flexible foot. Of course, many exceptions to this rule exist.



    The listing of frame material choices can be found at the top of the KevinRoot Medical website home page, click “custom modifications”, scroll to the right side column to locate “frame materials”. A quick summary of the choices follows:

    1. Polypropylene- this is the workhorse material used in the manufacture of foot orthotics. Initially used to replace plexiglass (Rohadur) in the early days of Root type orthotic devices. A very durable and easily adjusted material, can be made in many configurations suitable for a wide variety of applications. Very few times it wouldn't be a good choice, in some form, for a frame material.
    2. Subortholene- like Polypro, but generally softer and susceptible to distortion over time. Generally to be used when flexibility and comfort are to be emphasized. Can be used to reinforce an accommodative device in a patient who cannot tolerate much motion control. 
    3. Carbon (XT) and Carbon Graphite (TL-2100)- High tech material used indicated when space inside the shoe or boot is limited. XT is a good choice for women’s dress shoes, slip on shoes, but can give too much in heavier patients. TL-2100 is used in rigid boot applications such as ski boots and skates. Always inspect devices periodically for cracking or fatigue.
    4. EVA-available in a variety of rigidity properties and thicknesses. Great choice if shock absorption is a priority such as a rigid cavus foot type.

    Alternative materials may be available such as rubberized cork if preferred. Frame material selection is crucial in determining the effectiveness of your orthotic device. When in doubt, Polypro is often a good choice due to its versatility and durability.

    Don’t be guilty of neglecting material choices for your orthotic devices. The team at KevinRoot Medical is here to be your expert witness!

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