Sport Specific Custom Foot Orthotics | KevinRoot Medical

Sport Specific Custom Foot Orthotics

  • The previous post in this forum emphasized a proactive approach to treating school aged patients’ biomechanical needs. Many of those young people may be trying out a new sport or activity that changes the demands on their bodies, and it is incumbent on the lower extremity expert to have some knowledge on what those demands might be, and how to address them biomechanically.

    This discussion mainly focuses on school age patients, but translates directly to children of all ages. Organized sports activities have exploded in popularity, as many parents have become painfully aware of the investment in time and treasure in fulfilling their young athletes' potential on the field, in the gym, at the court, or in the pool. Each sport brings its own set of requirements or challenges, running sports, such as cross country, is very different from lateral movement or jumping sports, such as tennis or basketball. Some gifted athletes participate in multiple sports, sometimes simultaneously, so what exactly caused that painful heel in a 13 year old boy? Children and parents can easily find “Sever's Disease” on the internet, but it is up to you to know more about it than them, and offer guidance as to whether or not that child can continue pursuing their soccer career or not. What is appropriate mileage for a long distance runner with open growth plates? Are those NBA star endorsed basketball shoes appropriate for a young point guard with excessive pronation? What orthotic is good for a 300 pound football lineman? Does a participant in a barefoot sport such as gymnastics need orthotics the rest of the time?

    The questions are many and the answers are, at times, difficult to ascertain. If you have natural interest in sports, and are curious, the process of becoming a “sports medicine” specialist can be very gratifying. Participating in the success of an athlete, at any age, in any sport, is a gift to be appreciated.

    KevinRoot Medical is ready to team up with you to become champions in biomechanics

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