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Are 10000 Steps Per Day the Ideal Goal for Fitness | KevinRoot Medical

Are 10000 Steps Per Day the Ideal Goal for Fitness

  • The september, 2023 issue of Consumer Reports contains an article entitled; “Do you Really Need to Walk 10K Steps a Day?” The article cites studies which conclude 8K steps per day for those 60 years and younger, and 6-8K steps per day for those over 60 years old is sufficient to boost one’s health. The article continues with helpful tips for successfully achieving these goals, but the question remains; What should be a reasonable amount of daily physical activity necessary in order to maintain good health throughout a lifetime?



    Counting steps per day may be an overly simplistic method of measuring physical activity, but for many people it can be an easy way to motivate them to get off the couch and challenge themselves to change their lifestyle in a healthy way. Many lower extremity specialists have heard from patients “My doctor wants me to walk more, but it hurts too much”, so it becomes our responsibility to help our patients achieve their fitness goals. When people ask you how to get started, try to find out what activity they might enjoy, because it is so much easier to be motivated to do something you like. Find out what their goal is, for example, to prevent disease, to lose weight, to keep up with their family and friends, or just be able to enjoy everyday life, then offer to share that goal with them.

    No matter how many steps are taken each day, good biomechanics matters for each and every one of those steps. Injury prevention is critical when working with both neophyte and experienced fitness enthusiasts. It is preferable to avoid plantar fasciitis in the first place than try to treat it after the fact, so counsel your patient on their individual biomechanical needs, and encourage them to safely proceed towards their goals. Cross training, proper shoe gear, and of course orthotic devices if needed. Many resources are available, the most valuable of which is you, their biomechanically oriented healthcare provider. 

    The team at KevinRoot Medical is here for you every step of the way!

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