What Are You Hiding on Your Website? | KevinRoot Medical

What Are You Hiding on Your Website?

  • You have an attractive and effective website. You list all the conditions that you treat on your homepage. 

    But where, oh where, are orthotics? 



    All Podiatrists should prominently display the information about orthotics on their website. 


    • Home Page
      • Orthotics section, banner or link to an internal page.
      • Inclusion in navigational menus.


    • All About Orthotics internal page.


    • Treatment Descriptions can mention orthotics


    • About Us page can mention the expertise and experience of the podiatrist in providing custom orthotics. This helps build trust and credibility with potential patients.


    • Testimonials featured on relevant pages throughout the website. 


    • FAQ Section: Include orthotics in a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section.

    And most importantly, include call-to-action buttons or links throughout the website that lead to a specific page or contact form where patients can learn more about orthotics or schedule a consultation. These buttons should be strategically placed on relevant pages, such as the homepage, services page, or blog posts related to foot health.

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