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All Star Cast | KevinRoot Medical

All Star Cast

  • Most experienced practitioners in the field of biomechanics and orthotics will tell you the likelihood of success with your orthotic treatment is directly related to the accuracy of the impression that you have obtained.



    The particular technique, be it foam box, plaster cast or digital imprint is secondary if the accurate depiction of the complete anatomy of the part in the desired configuration is not attained. Even the highly skilled technicians at the lab cannot fully compensate for a poor-quality cast.

    A key component to gaining consistent accuracy in your casting technique is similar to many other learned physical activities in life, be it sports, hobbies, technical work, or even surgical skills, is practice, practice, practice. Ask for volunteers to practice on, see if you can adequately reproduce your results repeatedly. Learn to evaluate your impressions, do they line up with examination findings? Are you consistent with both the left and right casts? Be honest with yourself, if you feel the first impression isn’t right, then repeat it until it is correct.

    Mastering whatever technique for orthotic impressions you prefer will pay off in no time at all. Less adjusting, replacing of improper devices, less complaints and more compliance with your patients will be the natural consequence. The team at KevinRoot Medical is here to help you become the master of your orthotic universe!

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