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Lost In Translation | KevinRoot Medical

Lost In Translation

  • KevinRoot Medical is a rapidly growing company, gaining new clients from various specialties and locations, all of whom share the common goal of successfully treating biomechanical conditions from the ground up. A famous movie quote “What we have here is a failure to communicate” brings to mind the issue we face as podiatrists, physical therapists, chiropractors, orthotists, and physicians all speaking their native languages.



    Podiatrists, such as I, use terminology we learned in school and routinely use with our colleagues and quickly have mutual understanding amongst ourselves. Sometimes there are differences based on levels of experience or geography, but in reality we are speaking in dialects of the same language. In my relatively new position as clinical liaison for KRM, I am finding I have to communicate with various practitioners from all backgrounds, and it feels like we could all benefit from a biomechanical “Babbel”.

    Let’s start simply with the term “orthotic”, or “foot orthotic” or “functional orthotic” or “Root Functional Orthotic” or more accurately “orthosis”. To many, orthotic is synonymous with any insert that is applied within a shoe. Many commercial products which are termed orthotics are actually over-the-counter foot supports which shouldn’t qualify for the term “orthotic”, but nonetheless are legally marketed as such. To me, an orthotic is a prescribed device based upon an accurate biomechanical examination and manufactured to specifications derived from a professionally written prescription. The functional aspect is the ability to actually alter the mechanics of the lower extremities to improve function and reduce disability. 

    Mutual understanding as professionals will lead to our collective success of healing our foot weary patients. What do you think?

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