Heel lifts for Short Leg Syndrome | KevinRoot Medical

Heel lifts for Short Leg Syndrome

  • Using a heel lift as a treatment for limb length discrepancy is a common practice. At times it can be added to the orthotic device prescribed when fully documented as helpful to the patient. Heel lifts for short leg syndrome are best for 1/4 inch or less. If the leg length discrepancy is more than 1/4 inch,  we recommend 1/8 to 1/4 inch heel lift on the orthotic device, and the rest more full length in the shoe tapered at the toes. 



    In athletics, since most of the exercise can involve participating on the ball of the foot, it is recommended that the lifts be full length and sometimes fully separate from the orthotic device. In this way, the athlete can choose the amount of lift utilized based on symptoms and the depth of the shoe that they are currently utilizing to avoid heel slippage. This then can require separate orthotic devices for separate functions.



    Here the full length lift stops at the sulcus to avoid crowding the toes so much. Striations are cut into the material at the MPJs to allow for forefoot flexibility.

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