Ready to Retire? | KevinRoot Medical

Ready to Retire?

  • I have been fortunate enough to have had a 41-year career in my chosen profession of podiatry. I will admit there were many times during that career when I was ready to call it quits and move on to something else. Physician burnout is a real phenomena, especially in today’s complicated medical landscape. What can you do to maintain the enthusiasm you had at the onset of your career?



    Retirement may mean different things to different people, for some it may be total rest and relaxation, for others it may be pursuing a long-delayed passion, or a second career. Why wait until the end of your productive years to retire? Find time during your work day to periodically “retire” for five minutes, find some way to recharge and rejuvenate yourself, if even for a brief moment. Schedule random off days periodically to have some fun or enjoy quality time with your family. Find joy in successes, personally I always got a little kick during the “reveal” after a successful corrective foot surgery. Appreciate the gifts you were given to enable you the ability to better the lives of others.

    Since this is an article about biomechanics and orthotic therapy, you will find achieving expertise in the practice of diagnosing and treating structural conditions will not only benefit your patients but will be of great benefit to you as a healthcare provider and your outlook on life. When someone informs you that they ran their first 5k race, or finally lost that extra weight, or can stand all day at work without pain, it will make your day! Enjoy.

    The team at KevinRoot Medical is here to help you in your pursuit of happiness.

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