Use Your Resources! | KevinRoot Medical

Use Your Resources!

  • Several recurring themes have manifested themselves during the brief time I have served as a clinical liaison for KevinRoot Medical. One of the objectives of this forum is to provide guidance to practitioners who may feel they need help in dealing with biomechanical cases that arise within their practices. In this post I would like to direct your attention to valuable resources available to you, to increase your knowledge base and confidence in your practice.



    The primary resource available to you is the KevinRoot Medical Website. It is a virtual encyclopedia of the practical application of biomechanics of the lower extremities. As you scan the top of the home page from left to right you will find:

    1. Detailed descriptions of the various orthotic types.

    2. Common diagnoses and pathologies encountered every day, and suggestions on how to treat them with an orthotic device.

    3. “Biomechanical Intelligence”, has many pearls on examination techniques to assess each patient's individual condition.

    4. “Custom Modifications” provides detailed descriptions of the many bells and whistles that can be used to enhance the performance of your orthotic prescriptions.

    5. Foot ID a description of the use of the iPhone and iPad app to create digital impressions

    6. As you continue to investigate the website you will find links to YouTube videos and other social media posts with vast amounts of useful information.

    7. The search function is located to the far right of the top of the home page. Start here and you should everything you need to master the art and science of functional foot and ankle/foot orthotic practice.

    Outside of our website many other sources of information are readily attainable. My colleague Dr Blake has vast experience in teaching biomechanics and has written an excellent textbook series. Dr. Merton Root's book on “Biomechanical Examination of the Foot” is a classic reference, as well as his other academic articles. Many other books, journal articles, videos are available to those who are interested in pursuing more information in this field.

    The team at KevinRoot Medical is here to help, just ask!

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