Everybody is an Expert | KevinRoot Medical

Everybody is an Expert

  • The client list at KevinRoot Medical consists of primarily podiatrists, but also orthopedists, physical therapists, chiropractors, orthotists from the United States, as well as internationally. Younger practitioners as well as seasoned veterans, all sharing the common goal of effectively managing biomechanically based human pathology. We approach this goal from different directions, and no doubt achieve success in our practice in many different ways, that is the “art” of medicine.



    Intelligent and well meaning people can have differences of opinion, where neither side can convince the other the error of their ways. In our chosen field, there are two schools of thought, function follows structure, or structure follows function. In my background and training, I am led to believe that our skeleton, the bones and ligaments, are primarily responsible for supporting our body weight, while the muscles and tendons are primarily responsible for adding stability and creating locomotion. Some of you may get upset with this statement, and that is a good thing, we can have intelligent discourse on this as professionals. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle of this debate, as usual, and the argument is never really resolved and a holistic approach is optimum. However, where we all should have some agreement is that some level of competence is needed to qualify as an “expert”. An “custom orthotic” is not something to be bought at a kiosk at the local drug store, given a few choices based on standing on a pressure sensor, or a guy selling foot supports at a swap meet. Not to say that many over the counter devices are not useful and effective, many are. We should all be prepared to articulate to the public what actually leads to lower extremity health and wellness, and not fall victim to the latest trend, gadget or shoe fad. 

    Let’s hear what you think!

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